D. Scott Sullivan, President
Term Expires: May 2026
Clay Brandenburg, Vice President
Term Expires: May 2028
Jorge Garcia, Secretary
Term Expires: May 2026
Hadier Shenewa, Assistant Secretary
Term Expires: May 2026
John la Rocca, Assistant Secretary
Term Expires: May 2028
Mailing Address
9 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1000
Houston, Texas 77046
Phone: (713) 651-0111
Email: aswmail@aswtax.com
Tax Assessor/ Collector
Assessments of the Southwest, Inc
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1368
Friendswood, Texas 77549
Phone: (281) 482-0216
SI Environmental
6420 Reading Road
Rosenberg, TX 77471
Change in the District’s Revenue from 2019 to 2020: $614,493; 16.23%
Change in the District’s Expenses from 2019 to 2020: $1,414,741; 58.17%
The amount of property tax revenue budgeted for maintenance and operations for the preceding two years and current year:
- 2019: $1,479,011.00
- 2020: $1,745,939.00
- 2021: $1,860,432.00
- 2022: $2,880,105.67
The amount of property tax revenue budgeted for debt service for the preceding two years and current year:
- 2019: $1,690,619.22
- 2020: $2,450,077.74
- 2021: $3,744,236.83
- 2022: $4,416,162.02
For additional Budget information, please click on the above Approved Budget link.
Adopted 2019 Tax Rate (per $100 of assessed valuation) – Total: $1.30
Maintenance & Operations: $0.56
Debt Service: $0.74
Adopted 2020 Tax Rate (per $100 of assessed valuation) – Total: $1.27
Maintenance & Operations: $0.395
Debt Service: $0.875
Adopted 2021 Tax Rate (per $100 of assessed valuation) – Total: $1.27
Maintenance & Operations: $0.555
Debt Service: $0.63
contract Rate: $0.085
Adopted 2022 Tax Rate (per $100 of assessed valuation) – Total: $1.17
Maintenance & Operations: $0.30
Debt Service: $.46
Adopted 2023 Tax Rate (per $100 of assessed valuation) – Total: $1.07
Maintenance & Operations: $0.255
Debt Service: $0.445
Contract Rate: $0.370
(HB 305)
The next Directors’ Election will be called for May 4, 2024. Please see information below regarding certain requirements and deadlines:
- Texas Ethics Commission – Forms and Instructions (https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/forms/coh/cohfrm.php)
- First day to file for place on the May 4, 2024 Directors’ Election ballot is Wednesday, January 17, 2024.
- Last day to file for place on the May 4, 2024 Directors’ Election ballot is by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 16, 2024.
- Deadline to file write-in candidacy declaration for May 4, 2024 Directors’ Election is by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
- A person may run for election to the District’s Board of Directors as a write-in candidate and to do so must file a declaration of write-in candidacy. The declaration must be filed with the Secretary of the District’s Board of Directors or his/her designated agent by mail, fax, email or in person. A declaration form may be downloaded/printed from the website of the Texas Secretary of State at https://www.sos.texas.gov/elections/forms/pol-sub/2-23f.pdf
- Requirements for filing for candidacy of each elected office:
- Candidacy Filing – Local Political Subdivisions (https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/laws/candidacy.shtml)
- Qualifications for Directors (https://texas.public.law/statutes/tex._water_code_section_54.102)
- The location(s) of the election will be posted upon determination.